Ode to an Art Director
A Streatham bedroom with a Grecian pillar,
A cock-eyed arch to each suburban villa,
A pair of Woolworth's Mings—
These darn-fool things, remind me of you.
Those cosy lounges, built in easy stages,
Are copied from the front of Mr. Drage's,
And how each stair-case swings:
These crazy things, remind me of you.
How strange! How swell! If you could
build—a set to shoot in, so
the walls could not waggle to and fro,
A lovely wrinkled photographic backing
whose edges show whenever we start
Oh, how the ghost of them clings!
These half-wit things, remind me of you.
W. F. E.
World Film News and Television Progress, 1938.
1.- Streatham es un barrio situado al sur de Londres.
2.- Woolworth's Mings pueden ser unos jarrones de la dinastía china Ming, de los grandes almacenes estadounidenses Woolworth.
3.- Mr. Drage puede referirse a Geoffrey Drage, un político inglés implicado en la erradicación de la pobreza en su país.
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